Wakil Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Wamen Parekraf) Sapta Nirwandar akan membuka Festival deBUS Banten 2014 yang berlangsung di ka wasan Mercusuar, Anyer, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten pada 23 Agustus 2014. Festival deBus ini diharapkan menjadi event unggulan pariwisata Provinsi Banten yang memiliki potensi keragaman kreativitas seni dan budaya di antaranya seni pertunjukan debus dan rampak bedug yang sejak lama menjadi ikon pariwisata Banten.
Ruang silaturahmi dan ekspresi seni, politik, kebudayaan, sosial, dan tradisi rakyat secara santun
Friday, August 22, 2014
Menparekraf Buka Konferensi Nasional Penyiapan SDM Pariwisata
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Monday, April 14, 2014
Cinta Produk Kreatif Indonesia, Kebanggaan Bangsa
Produk Indonesia kian dicintai dan
digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia, salah satu daya tariknya adalah harganya
yang terjangkau dengan kualitas bersaing. Hal ini berlaku sebaliknya
dibandingkan keadaan sekitar lima tahun lalu, dimana masyarakat lokal lebih
menyukai menggunakan produk dengan brand
import, tentunya dengan harga mahal. Keberhasilan produk Indonesia untuk
menjadi tuan rumah di negeri sendiri ini merupakan buah keberhasilan program
Kenali Negerimu, Cintaimu Negerimu, yang salah satunya digagas oleh Kementerian
Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif. Selanjutnya, gerakan tersebut menjadi salah
satu gaya hidup bagi masyarakat, sehingga mereka lebih bangga menggunakan
produk lokal.
KUNJUNGAN WISATAWAN MENINGKAT: Persepsi Internasional Terhadap Indonesia Membaik
hasil sejumlah survei lembaga internasional, persepsi terhadap Indonesia juga
mengalami perkembangan positif. Lembaga rating internasional terkemuka seperti
Ficth Rating, Rating and Investment Information. Inc, Japan Credit Rating
Agency, Standard and Poor’s (S&P), Modys Investor Servise telah menempatkan
Indonesia sebagai negara tujuan investasi jangka panjang (investment grade).
Ratings mengumumkan pada bulan November 2013, memperkuat peringkat Indonesia
menjadi BBB- dengan outlook stabil. Sebelumnya, Oktober
2013 lembaga Rating and Investment Information Inc. juga memberikan penilaian
BBB-/ stable outlook. Begitu juga dengan Japan Credit Rating Agency
Ltd. pada Juli 2013 memberikan peringkat BBB- with stable outlook untuk
MASYARAKAT EKONOMI ASEAN: Picu Pertumbuhan Kunjungan Wisatawan di Atas 10 Persen
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) atau
Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) yang akan berlaku efektif di akhir tahun 2015
berpotensi untuk mendorong pertumbuhan jumlah wisatawan ke Indonesia yang kini
masih sekitar 9% per tahun menjadi di atas 10%.
diberlakukannya MEA, akan terjadi peningkatan pergerakan manusia di
wilayah ASEAN, yang berarti bahwa jumlah wisatawan ke Indonesia dari
negara-negara ASEAN akan meningkat juga.
Apalagi dengan adanya rencana pemberlakuan Common Visa untuk ASEAN, akan
sangat memudahkan warga asing dari luar ASEAN masuk ke Indonesia, termasuk
melalui hub-hub lain seperti Singapura atau Bangkok, maka kita optimistis bahwa
akan terjadi akselerasi pariwisata Indonesia”, kata Menteri Pariwisata dan
Ekonomi Kreatif, Mari Pangestu dalam acara Public Seminar and Soft Launching
“The ASEAN Economic Community: A Work in Progress”, pada Selasa (18/3/2014) di
Saturday, April 5, 2014
HARI FILM NASIONAL: Respek pada Tokoh Perfilman Indonesia
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Darah dan Doa (1950) sutradara Usmar Ismail |
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Mari A Pangestu berziarah ke makam Usmar Ismail |
Menparekraf, Mari Elka Pangestu bersama
dengan insan perfilman Indonesia, dalam rangka memperingati Hari Film Nasional
yang ke 64 melakukan kegiatan tabur bunga dengan berziarah ke Pusara Bapak
Perfilman Nasional, Usmar Ismail dan tokoh perfilman Soeryo Sumanto dan Djadoeg
Djajakusuma di TPU Karet Bivak, Jakarta, Minggu pagi, 30 Maret 2014. Kehadiran
Menparekraf ini mendapat apresiasi dari keluarga Alm. Usmar Ismail yang
mendampingi kegiatan tersebut.
"Hari ini (Minggu), kita semua
memperingati sebuah peristiwa penting dalam dunia perfilman Indonesia, yakni
hari lahirnya film pertama karya anak bangsa, dengan judul: Darah dan Doa karya
Bapak Usmar Ismail dan kawan-kawan. Berkat perjuangan beliau, sekarang kita
dapat menikmati suguhan film yang beragam," kata Mari usai menaburkan
bunga di pusara Usmar Ismail.
Menurut Menparekraf, perjuangan Usmar
Ismail ini perlu mendapat tindak lanjut dari generasi muda dengan terus membuat
film berkualitas, karena film dinilai sebagai salah satu titik ampuh untuk
memperkenalkan ragam budaya bangsa. Melalui film juga, masyarakat mendapat
manfaat ilmu mengenai kehidupan atau kisah cerita dalam film.
PARIWISATA INDONESIA: Total Kunjungan Wisman Januari Februari Naik 12,61%
Kunjungan wisman pada Februari
lalu tercatat 702.666 orang sehingga total kedatangan wisman dalam dua bulan
pertama (Januari-Februari) 2014 naik menjadi 1.455.745 orang atau tumbuh 12,61%
dibandingkan periode yang sama pada 2013 sebesar 1.292.743 orang. Peningkatan
ini jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan sepanjang 2013 sebesar
“Trendnya terlihat cukup bagus
dan diharapkan bisa lebih baik lagi untuk bulan-bulan ke depan sehingga target
kunjungan wisman 9,3 juta -9,4 juta tahun ini bisa tercapai, bahkan ada peluang
untuk terlampaui,” kata Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Menparekraf)
Mari E. Pangestu.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Sastra Tak Butuh Negara, Negara Juga Tak Butuh Sastra
Oleh: Nasrul Azwar
masa kampanye pemilihan umum 2009 lalu, saya menerima SMS berantai dari seorang
teman. Bunyinya: Bangsa-bangsa lahir di
hati para penyair, lalu mati di tangan para politisi.
Setelah tiga tahun, baru saya mengetahui asal
muasal yang menulis SMS itu adalah sastrawan Acep
Zamzam Noor. Saya mengetahui itu, ketika membaca tulisannya berjudul Sastra dan Negara: Pengalaman Tasikmalaya.
Tulisan itu dapat dibaca di blognya http://politikacepzamzamnoor.blogspot.com.
Alternatif dan Tari Minang
Oleh: Indra Utama
Jurusan Tari Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Padangpanjang
Tari Minangkabau wujud berdasarkan usaha hybriditi
unsur-unsur gerak pancak (pencaksilat Minangkabau) dengan unsur-unsur
tari di luar pancak berdasarkan penggunaan teknik penciptaan tari baru
untuk pementasan merangkumi teknik pengembangan gerak dan penggunaan
elemen-elemen komposisi tari.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Polemik Seputar Andrea Hirata
Saya Link seputar polemik tentang Andrea Hirata, terkaai karyanya Laskar Pelangi. Dan ini saya tugas dan tanggung jawab kritikus sastra melihat dan menjelaskan masalah ini
1. Jawaban Andrea Hirata
2. Pemicu polemik
3. Berawal
4. Spirit
5. Komentar Yusril Ihza Mahendra
6. Haruskah sampai ke jalur hukum
7. Ending
8. Mengaku bukan sastrawan
1. Jawaban Andrea Hirata
2. Pemicu polemik
3. Berawal
4. Spirit
5. Komentar Yusril Ihza Mahendra
6. Haruskah sampai ke jalur hukum
7. Ending
8. Mengaku bukan sastrawan
Friday, February 15, 2013
Wartawan Ditodong Pistol, Saatnya Tegakkan Mantagi Jurnalis
PADANG — Sedikitnya tujuh wartawan
media lokal dan nasional ditodong senjata api oleh seseorang saat
peliputan razia Satpol PP di Jalan Batang Arau, Padang, Rabu (13/2)
sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB.
Mereka masing-masing, Andri Saputra
(Padang TV), Citra Indriani (kameramen Trans 7), Randi Pangeran (Favorit
TV), Tua Saman Siregar (TVRI Sumbar), Endri Oktavia (Favorit TV), Budi
Sunandar (Global TV), Rian (kameramen) dan Heru (Koran Padang).
“Kami semua tiarap begitu senjata ditodongkan. Untung tak ada peluru di dalamnya. Padahal dua kali pelatuknya ditarik pelaku,” kata Andri yang paling dekat dengan moncong pistol itu, saat melaporkan peristiwa itu di Mapolda Sumbar, Kamis (14/2).
Andri dan sejumlah rekannya yang lain mengaku tak mengenal pria yang menodongkan senjata api jenis revolver itu. “Kami tak mengenalnya. Yang jelas rambutnya cepak, dan berusia sekitar 40 tahun,” lanjutnya.
“Kami semua tiarap begitu senjata ditodongkan. Untung tak ada peluru di dalamnya. Padahal dua kali pelatuknya ditarik pelaku,” kata Andri yang paling dekat dengan moncong pistol itu, saat melaporkan peristiwa itu di Mapolda Sumbar, Kamis (14/2).
Andri dan sejumlah rekannya yang lain mengaku tak mengenal pria yang menodongkan senjata api jenis revolver itu. “Kami tak mengenalnya. Yang jelas rambutnya cepak, dan berusia sekitar 40 tahun,” lanjutnya.
Forum Editor Terbentuk di Padang, Saatnya Berbakti untuk Masyarakat
Singgalang, Jumat 15 Februari 2013
PADANG – Namanya Forum Editor
(FEd). Bukan asal forum, bukan main-main, bukan pula untuk pamer.
Pendirinya sebanyak 30 orang. Semuanya orang ‘hebat’ di media se-Sumbar.
Ada pemimpin redaksi dan redaktur pelaksana di koran, televisi, radio
dan online. Awal terbentuk dari komunitas ini dari Black Berry Messeger
(BBM), FEd kini siap ‘tempur’ dengan visi serius.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Bangsa yang Gagap Jujur pada Pahlawannya
207 Hari PDRI yang Nyaris
Bangsa yang
Gagap Jujur pada Pahlawannya
Presiden Republik Indonesia, memberitakan bahwa, pada hari Minggu tanggal 19
Desember 1948, djam 6 pagi Belanda telah mulai serangannja atas Ibu-Kota
Jogjakarta. Djika dalam keadaan Pemerintah tidak
dapat menjalankan kewadjibannja lagi, kami
menguasakan kepada Mr. Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, Menteri Kemakmuran Republik
Indonesia, untuk membentuk Pemerintah Darurat di Sumatera
19 Desember 1948
Soekarno Moh.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Haji Kamardi Rais Datuk Panjang Simulie
History Recorded the Scattered
By Yurnaldi
Through the book The Old Engine Type, Haji Kamardi Rais Datuk Panjang Simulie noted the wealth of history that is rarely found in other history books. Numerous historical accounts of fallen he says in the book.
In this book he, for example, tells about the Bung Hatta. When we did not see in other reading books about the relationship with the Government Emergency Hatta Republic of Indonesia (PDRI), or how the role of the Bung Hatta in the Emergency Government, Datuk Simulie provide answers, based on records of more than 30 years ago.
When he was active in the world of journalism and interviewing Mr. Prawiranegara Sjafruddin, leader of the Emergency Government (1948-1949) and leader of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia or PRRI in the year 1958-1961.
"When I asked, he admitted that he never received the mandate from President Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, Vice President. That is a mandate that gives the right to Mr. Prawiranegara Sjafruddin to form an emergency government in Sumatra (PDRI). Sjafruddin time as Minister of Prosperity RI was in Bukittinggi, "explained Datuk Simulie.
According Sjafruddin, as quoted Datuk Simulie, strategies and concepts of Emergency Government is actually the concept of Bung Hatta. Homeland situation when it was more serious and there are signs that the RI-Dutch negotiations would face a stalemate.
After the Tapanuli, November 1948, Bung Hatta said, "Sjaf! Condition grew worse. Tone-tone straddling the Netherlands want the Renville Agreement. I was asked back to Yogya, Bung Karno. Sjaf lived here first. The concept we're already there. Stay we perform only. I'll come again. "
According to Datuk Simulie, what is called the strategy now like Kato urang Hatta Minang, "For those already in paruik Prawiranegara Sjafruddin prince."
Book Walk
Datuk Simulie only educated up to secondary school level up. From his father, Datuk Rais H Machudung which he calls "local politicians", he received encouragement to learn a lot about life, including political issues.
He is now often referred to as a "book walk". If you told me about something, we listen to his explanation how to read a book. However, his explanation still more interesting than the book because he almost always told while imitating the style, intonation, and vocal person.
More than that, as a Stakeholder Traditional Minang Datuk Simulie is a person who is always anxious and concerned about the condition of Minangkabau adat and culture. He will be quick to respond whenever there is discussion concerning the Minangkabau adat and domains. Thanks to his old typewriter, ideas, exposure, reviews, and commentary were often read in print media publications in West Sumatra.
Speaking of Minangkabau adat, the customary speech rich with rhyme-rhyme, proverb-petatah, and so forth, Datuk Simulie is also one of the initiators and founders of the Institute and the Natural Density of Traditional Minangkabau (LKAAM) 40 years ago is very controlling. Therefore, he believed for a second time to be chairman of shoot density of Traditional Leadership and Institutions of Natural Minangkabau (LKAAM) West Sumatra from 2005 to 2010 period.
Until now, one that continues Simulie Datuk desire voiced since tens of years ago was how to revise Section lease rights (HGU) in Act No. 5 of 1960. The reason, the Minangkabau have heritage of customary law governing the matter of communal land or high pusako villages (the lowest government in Sumatra).
"Land in Minangkabau is lebensraum (room to live) and where he berkubur. The land is communal property, not only to be used by people who live today, but also cater for the next generation. Therefore, communal land should be passed on intact to future generations pelanjutnya , "said Datuk Simulie too.
In the age of 73 years, Datuk Simulie still strong in the office every day, even to attend and deliver remarks at various events.
"One thing is very instrumental in this was my old typewriter, which since the 1970s up to now I still wear. For me, the tinkling sound of an old typewriter that has come to give inspiration to write the article line by the various print media," he said. Source KOMPAS, WEDNESDAY 19 APRIL 2006
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Syahrul Tarun Yusuf
Minang Song Popularity
By Yurnaldi
At one time, around the year 1960 until the 1970s, Minang songs ever victorious and became popular songs in the country. Minang people are not only fans but also people of other ethnicities, even residents of Malaysia's neighbors.
Until now, the songs still sounded Minang played everywhere. Elly Kasim's name, Erni Djohan, Nuskan Syarief, Lily Syarief, Tiar Ramon, for example, many people would memorize poems Minang song they've ever popularize.
If there Minang songs that survive and more popular 30 years, hosted by singing a few filters and recorded many times, until the poem memorized by many people, surely it works Tarun, or a full hood Syahrul Tarun Joseph (often also Satayu abbreviated).
"The songs are created Tarun year 1960 until the 1970s has now become a classic Minang song, still appreciated by the public," said Edy culturalist Main, Monday, January 28, 2002, in Padang.
According to Edy President who is also Chairman of the Arts Council of West Sumatra (DKSB), there are two reasons why the songs of creation Tarun survive tens of years and became a classic Minang song. First, he was very appreciate and understand the culture of Minang-kabau. He was smart to learn from nature, taking nature as symbols of his power. Second: in Minang songs he describes his creation with a very strong collective sense of Minang society. No wonder his songs became very close and impressive with a lot of people.
"Minang song composers are now unable to do that. Naturally, there are no songs popular Minang, unless the works Tarun, "he added.
Similar assessments are disclosed Syuhendri, artists who also holds a mamak ninik progenitor, who was contacted separately in Nagari Balingka, Agam District. He said, "Tarun song lyrics of rich inner experience many people who expressed a strong literary values, so impressive and well liked."
According Syuhendri, singer Elly Kasim popular and can survive as a singer Minang is because the works of Tarun.
For Tarun, is an unexpected, if over a hundred of his songs, the songs became popular, became a classic and timeless songs in Minang society today.
"I embrace the precautionary principle, the origin is not so in creating songs. I have learned much from nature and culture of the Minangkabau. Plus experience, so come feeling, be on track, "he said at his home in Nagari Balingka, Agam regency, West Sumatra.
He revealed, until now there have complaints that are still stored and poetry, according to him, yet can be used as a song. "Minang songs which have become no more less than 300 songs. Who has not be around 100, "said Tarun, while showing the song list, year built, the singer who popularized, and record producer, who Yayasan Karya Cipta Indonesia issued.
His songs have included "Bugih Lamo", "Kasiah Not Up", "Bapisah Bukannyo Bacarai", "Please Mande", "Ranah Balingka", "Gasiang Tangkurak", "Wheels Padati", "Kabau Padati", "Stone Tagak" , "Aia Mato Mande", "father", "Bungo Cinto", "Bungo Bapaga", "Beetle batali", "In Taluak Bayua", "Samalam in India", "Takuik", "'s stay Kampuang", "Oto Triarga "," Alang Bangkeh "," Wind Sarugo "," BUYUANG Boneh "," Cak Cak Suruik Sarak "," Caraikan Denai "," Rain "," Kanai Sijundai "," Minang Maimbau I "," Minang Maimbau II ", "Bagaluik", "Saputiah Heart", "Shipwrecked in Lauik Cinto", "Jatuah Tapai", "Tigo Gayo Balam," and "Pakiah Geleang".
Tarun Songs creation more popularized by singer Elly Kasim and Lily Syarief. A small part by Erni Djohan, Tiar Ramon, Kardi Cape, Edi rostrum, and also popularized a versatile singer, Hetty Koes Endang. Lyrics of his songs, because it was so popular, legendary, and is considered a classic, the subject of study for the thesis of the student from the University of Andalas, Padang. Also be a follower of teachings of Sufism study materials.
In creating, Tarun not to lapa-researched, and with special learning. To create the song "Gasiang Tangkurak", for instance, he went up against clever (shaman) to study the skull tops, go into the woods and meditating. If she will mencu-kupkan terms, ie play a top of the skull, "transparent" is the science which he demanded. "Conditions that one I did not do, because of my initial intentions for the good. The song "Gasiang Tangkurak" and "Kanai Sijundai", which I created based on the experience goal to move people, especially among the young, do not do that, "said Tarun.
Literary value of the songs that she lifted from the incantations of the shamans, adapted to the natural rhythm of the song later made. He added, "Initially, I make the song sung for singer Tiar Ramon, but Elly Kasim asks for love and feel comfortable. After the singer popularized Elly Kasim, now back to the song popularized by singer Andi Honor. "
For any commercial purposes, a number of other creators of "cutting up" the rhythm of poetry and song creation Tarun. Should, according to Tarun, creator or youth music generation can now look for vocabulary or a new phrase, but have the same meaning.
"The song also became the identity of the creator. Than called imitators, impersonators, cheater, and so forth, better create new poetry, although its meaning the same as the old one, "he said.
One thing that makes Tarun, son Balingka the birth March 12, 1942, is concerned about is the number of pop songs that poem changed into the language of Minangkabau, known Pop Minang. Should, Minang realm of music artists to think how to make popular Minang songs, songs can be sung / popularized by everyone.
Completed the SR in Balingka and once in junior high school, SMEP, and INS Kayutanam, and to finish high school in Bukittinggi, Tarun who claimed to love to create poetry and watching Minang saluang arts with singing, in creating his works be inverted again and again, lest there are similarities with the work of others, both verses wanted any rhythm. In the process of creating, he often sang old singing-new look for his verse, or otherwise create a new first verse and then find their rhythm.
Tarun creation of the first song recorded was "Bugih Lamo," which until now has been on-record 11 times. Year 1996, the song won her award HDX. The song is up now becoming popular in Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam, with a poem that is transferred to the Indonesian language and changed the title of "Old Songs."
Nice to his works "valued" and "to live" with others, Tarun holds the principle would not condescending to his works. Modestly, according to him, would make God angry, because the ideas in creating the song is He who gives.
Therefore've done a lot for the arts Minang, in 2001 the father of seven children of the marriage-Misnani winannya with the origin of Makassar and the ka-kek of three grandchildren won Anugerah carts from the City Government Tourism Bukittinggi .*
SOURCE (Yurnaldi) Kompas, Thursday, January 31, 2002
Anas Nafis
Reference Minang Walking
By Yurnaldi
By Yurnaldi
Anas Nafis open discussion about the origin of the name of Indonesia. "Indeed, the name of Indonesian people who found the albino. But, in the days of colonialism, the Dutch are reluctant to hear, let alone use it. For the Indonesian people, they prefer to use the word inlanders, or inheems (native) or bevolking van Nederlandsch Indie (population of the Netherlands East Indies), "he said.
Anas Nafis also mentions a big mistake when it was thought that the Indonesian name was first used by nomadic ethnologist Adolf Bastian in 1884. It can be read in Colonial Het Weekblad dated 16 September 1929 No 37 page 11 and Encyclopaedie van Winkler Prins (3e dr, 1908) and Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch Indie (1918).
According to Anas Nafis, who discovered JR Logan said Indonesia is like writing in the Journal the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (Volume IV, 1850, 254 pages, entitled The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago. Indonesie Logan chose the name for the land of the Indian Archipelago and the Indonesians for its residents .
A number of ideas can flow out of the story. AA Navis Poets (1924-2003) when writing a short fall surau Us (1956) and numerous other short stories have admitted the idea of Anas Nafis.
When the mayor of Padang, Fauzi Bahar came to his house looking for references about the proposed Bagindo Aziz Chan became a national hero, Anas gave material to write a very complete and participate in local newspapers. Anas is a widower with three children who have not married pleased when Aziz Chan Bagindo now officially become a National Hero.
Documentation Center
In West Sumatera (Sumatra), Anas Nafis familiar to many people. Every day another who came to his house in Jalan Aur Duri I No 3A Padang.
"My principle, for the betterment and welfare of the people, what I have please take advantage. What can I help, I help. Borrow books please, do not pay," he said.
Unfortunately, there are also researchers, academics and artists who borrow reference and does not return. Anas remember anyone who has not returned the book. "It's my 60th title of the book is lost, not returned from the hands of borrowers," said Anas.
In the rented house, Anas store 520 titles of books published before World War II, hundreds or even thousands of newspaper clippings and magazines, as well as 800 drawings and photographs reproduced in the past that he is then stored in a computer shell casing, which lately is often acting out because his memory almost full . He has never bought a new computer comes true because as a retired limited financial capabilities.
Business Anas Nafis, who never taste of education in the Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University (1952-1955), collecting references, particularly about the Minangkabau, with the goal of keeping the people of West Sumatera and Indonesia do not have to search far to the Netherlands or Europe.
PDIKM currently appalling conditions due to the lack of attention Padang Panjang Government and the Government of West Sumatra Province. As Director PDIKM Padang Panjang since 2003, Anas, a former teacher of natural science can not do anything but continue to collect the literature in order to open the horizons of society in many ways about the Minangkabau.
Beyond that, Anas Nafis continue to write articles about things related to Minangkabau Singgalang newspaper, wrote speeches customary, retell a number of manuscripts from the Dutch language, and so forth.
Year 2004, 10 manuscripts Minangkabau folktales which he adapted the Islamic Research Center issued and the Minangkabau. Previously, he wrote a book Proverb Minangkabau (in 1997) which has been reprinted many times. A number of scenarios he had written already filmed in TVRI, like Dang lord (1975) and kamang War (1980), and cultivating stories and film synopsis Palasik for RCTI (1997).
Anas Nafis seriousness collect literature and then process them, according to Secretary of the Arts Council of West Sumatra Nasrul Azwar, deserves dipujikan.
"But we are also concerned. Already he worked selflessly, caring for the City Government and the Provincial Government of West Sumatra Padang to Anas Nafisnya still lacking. He is very feasible given awards and decorations," he said. Anas Nafis died 18 April 2007 which was previously treated at the Hospital M Djamil Padang. Kompas, Thursday, 6 April 2006
Malin Kundang Foreign Country Malin Culture
By Edy Utama
National Heroes for People PRRI
By Wisran Hadi
It was impossible it could happen! How could it be given the title of national hero to PRRI figures, when all thoughts of the people of West Sumatra to this day still consider that the turbulent area called PRRI it as a rebellion.
Ali Sukri Dance
Bride Waves: The Cleft Ikonitas Culture
By Sahrul N
"Bride Waves" clearly implies that the disaster that comes from the sea (read: the tsunami) was so heartbreaking and nature seemed to woo the people to be a hero and placed eternity in heaven with his girlfriend. Plastics which floated like a big wave rocked the singing and mourning the dead. Motion graceful dancers who formed the talking bodies, bodies are meaningful.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Wisran Hadi
From the Literary Artist
By Yurnaldi
Wisran Hadi, one of Indonesia's leading poet and playwright, the date of the next 17 to 23 September will be a guest in Thailand. He was designated as a recipient of the South East Asian (SEA) Write Award in 2000.
"It turned out for an outstanding creative work and not have to go to Jakarta, in the area can, too. The place did not determine, that determines the quality of work and work without interruption," said Hadi Wisran when contacted Kompas, Tuesday (1 / 8), in Padang .
Wisran Hadi is a writer and playwright urang second crew award recipients SEA Write Award in 2000 after AA Navis who received a similar award in 1992. SEA Write Award is the highest award given to authors Thailand ASEAN. Year 1999, the SEA Write Award recipients are Seno Gumira Adjidarma writers.
According Wisran, he was awarded not for writing books that became best, but because of continuity in the editorial world. It is also determined by the background, culture, the author depicted in his works and the value / quality literature contained in these works.
Wisran Hadi, who was born in Lapai, Kildare, dated July 20, 55 years ago, has been involved in the editorial world since last 26 years, finish Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts (ASRI), Yogyakarta, in 1974. His first works, Echoes, won a play writing contest held IKJ 1975. Over 10 years later, he won consecutive drama scriptwriting contest. Until 2000, over 20 script plays to win the race.
Wisran short story published in print and has been recorded by the issuer with the titles Malaysian Mahogany Leaves Fall Again. Beyond that, he had more 10 years as a visiting professor at the University of Andalas, Padang.* Kompas, Wednesday, August 2, 2000
From the Theatre Artists
By Ivan Adilla, Andalas University Faculty of Letters
Wisran Hadi (Lapai, Padang, July 27, 1945) is an artist who is active in several fields of art, but his career that stands out is in the field of literature and theater. He is also known as a humanist.
Wisran Hadi was the third child of thirteen siblings who grew up in a devout family environment in the religion. His father, Haji Idris Darwas (Hadi) was the high priest of Muhammadiyah mosque, Kildare, hadith scholars and commentators as well as initiators and founders of the Faculty of Sharia Muhammadiyah University, Padang. Primary to secondary education she lived in the Valley by completing elementary school, junior high schools Public and School Teachers of Religion. after that she continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts of Indonesia (ASRI) and graduated in year 1969.Berbagai profession he had ever lived, all hooked up with the world of education and journalism. Graduated from the ASRI, he became a professor at the School of Fine Arts of Indonesia (SSRI) (1970-1971), and INS Planting Wood (1971-1978). After that he worked as an editorial staff HarianSinggalang (1979-1983), Executive Secretary and lecturer at the Bunda College of Tourism, Kildare (1983-1985), extraordinary professor of the Faculty of Letters University of Newcastle (1985-1995), and editor of cultural magazine Limbago Minangkabau ( 1987-1989), as well as extraordinary professor of the Faculty of Letters University of Bung Hatta (1996-1998). Years 1997-2001, he pioneered and became extraordinary professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Newcastle for the course Indigenous Culture and Minangkabau, a local content of courses that are expected to give insight to students about society and culture of Minangkabau. As of May 2001 was invited as an Expert Panel of Assessors for Foreign and since July 2001 until now as the Academy of Art Pensyarah Kebangsaan Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. While teaching he was also involved as a stylist and artistic director of several performances and give workshops for modern theater in the various states in Malaysia.
Wisran Hadi has received numerous awards and scholarships for his achievements as a poet and teaterawan. Among the awards that have been reached for the SEA Write Award, the highest for Asian literature peghargaan Tengrara from the King of Thailand, (2000), the International Writing Program at The University of Iowa, Iowa City, United States (1977-1978), Modern theater in New Observations York's top sponsor of the Asian Cultural Council (1978). Invited to do the same sponsor Comparative Study of Modern American Theatre and Japan (1986-1987), Literary Writing Award from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia (1991).
His career in art started from the fields of art, as he continue his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts of Indonesia (ASRI), Yogyakarta. Since he joined the show with students in Malang (1967), Surakarta (1968) and the Taman Ismail Marzuki (1969). Finish of the ASRI he returned to Padang and continued his career as an artist by holding several exhibitions held in the Valley (1970, 1971, 1973, 1975). Some who never attended art iven dalah West Sumatra Artists Exhibition (Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, 1976), Sumatra Painters Exhibition (Hall of Culture and Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, 1976), Biennale artist Indonesia (Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, 1976), Painting Exhibition Wisran Hadi (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, 1976). Work senirupanya enough attention so that some of the works become the Jakarta Arts Council collection. In his capacity as an artist, Wisran several times involved as an art director for several performances. Among them, staging Bagindo Chairul Aziz Chan works of Aaron (1972), drama-dance works Hurijah Adam Malin Kundang (1972), and Angun Nan A. Tongga works Chaniago HR (1973). He also designed the design for the monument Bangindo Azis Chan (Field, 1973), Relief Struggle for Independence (Bukittinggi, 1974) as well as designing the cover for a book of poetry whistle (Abrar Yusra, 1975) and Paco-Paco (Hamid Jabbar, 1975).
Under the tutelage of Wisran Hadi, Earth Theatre grew as a group to be reckoned with and respected in the theater of Indonesia. Earth Theatre is the oldest theater groups outside Java which is still active and is always invited to perform in various theaters in Indonesia iven. Hadi Wisran directing the work of attention from many observers and Indonesian theater lover, so he is often invited to express thoughts and views in various forums theater. For the yang directed staging, Hadi Wisran explore various cultural treasures of Minangkabau society and philosophy into modern performances. He utilizes and reworks Randai different conceptions in the game, Indang, invocation platter, crib toys kaliang (carousel) to music Talempong, genggong and tasa. He also developed the concept of Minangkabau philosophy about the position and role of man as a basic processing stage roles in modern theater. Direction marked the birth concept was formulated in the form of essays delivered at the Forum Theatre Conference in 1986 in Padang with the title 'Theatre Democratic Conception A Preliminary Discussion'. Essay is a valuable contribution to the development of the concept of theater in Indonesia. This concept is a valuable contribution conveyed in a paper is a valuable contribution in the development of the mind theater in Indonesia.
Among the things that stood out theatrical works Wisran Hadi is the choice of symbolic form, the game grouping of religious ethics and maintain consistency in every performance. Background knowledge and experiences as an artist gives a big contribution in performing the various alternatives for the development of symbolic theater Wisran Hadi. Options at once allows him to consistently maintain religious ethics to avoid scenes that are considered taboo or not in accordance with the ethics of religion (Islam) and turn it into a symbolic form. The choice of game is a development of the concept of grouping Randai which he viewed as a form of democratic theater. But that option was also criticized by some quarters for not being able to bring about a strong actor.
Except in the early period of his career, almost all the staging, directed by Hadi Wisran departed from the script he wrote himself. Wisran Hadi was a prominent writer and stay productive. Until now he has written about 90 plays, daalam Indonesian and Minangkabau. He is the only writer who won a scriptwriting contest prize drama Jakarta Arts Council for 10 consecutive years, since 1975-19 ..... Until now, the script 15 plays Script Writing Competition Prize-winning drama is ......, ....... Things that stand out from dramas Wisran is poetic language and form that dipilihnhya parody. His plays last show kecenderunganya to play with words berbgai possible meanings. For example the street called Straight and Bath of the Winds.
Some awards yan reach, Gifts from Foundations book utaa IKAPI and national education Depatemen novel remedy Guest (1997), literature prize for Best Book for Drama category in the country for meeting writers Straight Road (1997), Script Writing Competition Winners The play Gading Cempaka Indonesia to script (1996) and children's drama Where Mama (1996). For ten consecutive years, between 1975-1985,, script Writing Competition award-winning drama The play script Indonesia Jakarta kesesnian Council held on the manuscript Echoes, Ring, Universities, Cindua Mato, master Kundang, Heir, Anggun nan Tongga, Peneyberangkan, Song Peninsula, and Imam Bonjol.
Besides writing plays, wisran also wrote poetry, short stories and novels. His poetry is collected in simalakama (INS Educator Room, Wood Plant, 1975). Short story published in the Daily Singgalang, Kompas, Media Indonesia, Republika, and the literary magazine Horison (Jakarta) and culture magazine Limbago Minangkabau (Padang,). Collection of short stories have been published, Leaf-Leaf Mahogany Fall Again (Fajar Sdn Bhd Bhakti. Kuala Lumpur, 1998), Teachers' Three Headed (Balai Pustaka, Jakarta), as well as in anthologies Whisperer (Publisher Republika, Jakarta). Several of his novels have also been published. His first novel, Guest (Pustaka Utama Grafiti, Jakarta, 1996) won an award from the Foundation Main Book. Another novel is the Men Blanti (Citra Cultural Foundation of Indonesia, Padang), Women's Affairs (Pustaka Firdaus, Jakarta), Priest (Pustaka Firdaus, Jakarta). From the Land Bank (published in serialized in the Daily Singggalang March 15 -20 May 1998). WH novel has a storytelling style that not many other authors do. People of faith and take the pattern Blanti biographies and diaries that were mixed with the form of writing scientific papers. Wisran is a bit of writers who can write in Indonesian and local languages. Minangkabau language Tuulisannya in the form of a serial story entitled Jilatang, published daily in the form of a column in Padang Ekspress. He also wrote several scripts Randai Minang language.
West Sumatra Never Lack Writer
By Sihar Ramses Simatupang
His name was chosen as one of the artists who won awards from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Minang bloody prose writer this is one artist who consistently worked until his old age.
Other awards ever received came from the Kingdom of Thailand in the form of South East Asia Write Award in 2000. He became the second Minang writer who received the prestigious prize after AA Navis in 1992.
Being a writer may already be a twist of fate. In this case, his father gave a great impact. "My father, Darwas Idris, was a scholar and it is said in those days he was an expert in the hadeeth narrated from two experts in Indonesia. The other one is in Ponorogo hadith experts, "he said.
Time School Teacher of Religion (SGA) - commensurate high school, Wisran been required to read books that have not even fit with the natural mind. In fact, one time in junior class, she was told to read the Bible, the Torah reading, when her father scholars. "I am asked why I was asked to read it, my dad answered, 'So you know'," recalls writer born in Padang, July 27, 1945.
In addition, he also was given a book about Muktazillah flow, the flow of Islamic philosophical. Lots of reading such books, so for Wisran, was very influential for her.
However, the principle of religion is very strong among the Minang community. As philosophy, customs and syarak bersendikan bersendikan syarak Book of Allah. Book of Quran is indeed the rest of life for existing communities in the Valley including Wisran Hadi and his family life.
Novel Delayed
Currently, Wisran was written three novels. However, looks like a road in place. There are still thirty pages, some fifty. Teaching activities as well as an increasing body resistance weakened into one factor. Besides, writing a pending job, he says, are common.
"When the rest of you, I often worked until morning," he said. When asked about the titles of his works that have not published it, with smiles, a playwright who later wrote many novels and short stories were then told that he was not willing to mention the title of his work.
Wisran once wrote a collection of plays titled Four People Melayu contains four plays: "Song Peninsula", "Dara Orange", "Gading Cempaka", and "Cindua Mato" (which makes it awarded the South East Asian (SEA) Write Award in 2000.
His novel has ever recorded, among others, called Guest, Faith, Four Plays The Malays, and Simpang. Short stories are often published in print media and publishers Malaysia recorded titled Mahogany Autumn Leaves Again.
Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts alumnus (now Institut Seni Indonesia) in Yogyakarta, his plays have won 12 manuscripts Writing Competition held dramatizations Indonesia Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) from 1976 until 1998, joined the International Writing Program at Iowa University, Iowa, USA in 1977 and never followed the observations of modern American theater in 1978 and Japanese theaters in 1987. He also never got the Prize of Literature in 1991 from the Center for Language Development Depdikbud because the work of his play book Straight Literature Prize in 1991 from the Center for Language Development Depdikbud and made the best drama of the book on Poets Nusantara Conference, 1997.
His work was known to be very critical, including in writing about cultural issues in society. For example, when he lifted his plays critically entitled Cindua Mato depicting the figure as a figure of great Bundo Kanduang Minangkabau society or drama that also works the other side of Tuanku Imam Bonjol with heroism and weakness. "I prefer to raise the character of reflection and contemplation rather than just my work on politics and social phenomena only a moment," he said.
Discourse and the New Generation
West Sumatra has become the source of the author in the heyday Balai Pustaka. When present, rarely heard of letters from Minang which acting in the national literature, it appears the opinion that numbers have declined.
Hadi Wisran not agree with such opinions. He said that is irrelevant to compare two different times that. "When asked what the young people now, many books published now, including literary books. But if there are parents who pointed about what is being done by young people, do they never read the works of new writers? "Said Wisran.
He also blamed the press. Why are many people who do not want to press the authors raise young age? In view of Wisran, probably among young people in the field of the press itself, there is a kind of competition in his subconscious with other young people. "Moreover, the poet's eccentric young man, who ultimately was not loved by journalists," said the man who was a visiting professor at the University of Andalas Padang.
But he did not doubt that there are patterns of current discourse, since for him all the generations in the world that way right now, especially in developing countries. He did not even see a decrease in the quality of the discourse of the current generation, there is only change. "That task of observers or journalists, to see their quality, then lost and not published so far," tudingnya to SH.
He then told me there are writers who say that the writer's predecessor in force in 2003 was not the same as the past. "Well why writers today are not like Hamka. Other dong, Hamka Hamka yes, "he said.
The author now, from West Sumatra, just for example, are seen protruding from the past generation from Gus TF Sakai, Munir Dar, Khairul Jasmi and more. They, who do not read the predecessor generation, directly judge finally saw the current generation experiencing a crisis of quality and quantity.
To have a policy, when asked why he does not take part only in the structural arts and culture, Wisran even say, "Not acceptable, not just in art institutions, I even intend to be governor, but there are people who choose not to me. Employment in government, I also want such a high-ranking officials, the use of cars, "he said, with a satirical tone.
What matters, he suggested, in the literature do not have a political mind. Regeneration, to him, is the political mind. In the literature, art and culture, there's no such thing as regeneration. There is no need to pay attention to the younger generation, because there's nothing himself noticed. "If the media or the public's need to deal with the younger generation," he added.
Poets and Celebrities
Wisran then criticize sexuality themes raised by young writers today. "What's the difference with pornography. Oh, he thought he dared to express about it. Cook issues about men and women are disclosed, whereas the prophet Adam, too, the problem did not change too, "said Wisran.
Because the same problem, she wondered if it was disclosed. With the distinction, for Wisran, forms of pornography stimulates the moment, but works of art to stimulate our thoughts.
About the work of the people appointed to the current generation, Wisran another comment. According to him, this is one of the working people of newspapers, who had been impressed not selective in publishing them. Furthermore, he said that the notion of "celebrity" is "the only movie star people", and the most widely rumored is a "woman". That, for him, there is still within the framework of sexuality. "What celebrities have raised issues about his thinking. At most activities who are appointed, it was not thinking, "said Wisran.
Indeed it seems good for the paper. Wisran also claim to love to see. But, with no discourse, news about them in newspapers, twelve o'clock that night was gone and replaced by the news the next day.
"Well, compare with the thinkers of our young ones before, maybe his thinking is wrong, maybe their minds are not perfect, is not unusual. Young people where there is perfect. Why not be the place for them? Why should singer dangdut, the problem of classification is rocking just been made now. For this nation to what it was? "He said.
About the many generations of authors who have established his generation, using a literary phenomenon keselebritian recently, recognized also by Wisran. Perhaps the perpetrator to benefit from the celebrity endorsement like that. ***
Tuanku Imam Bonjol Story
Tuanku Imam Bonjol habit of always asking when his son came home from the battlefield chaplain is a fascinating story, so that the National Writers Wisran Hadi raised this in a TV soap opera.
"Behind the heroism of Imam Bonjol against the Dutch, it turns out from the depths of his heart emits light of human values that the full meaning of holiness. It is worthy of further inherited by the younger generation," said Hadi Wisran at the event about the soap opera dialogue TVRI Imam Bonjol in Padang, Thursday.
This soap opera, according Wisran, will be broadcast on TVRI center next month. Something interesting things from soap operas that made these four episodes are the light of human values emanating from a scholar of Minangkabau origin.
Imam Bonjol soap opera is not the highlight scene `bloody` but which were shown from the other side's thoughts about the clash between the religion and customs in the Bonjol, Pasaman once, "said Wisran.
In a dialogue entitled "Considering Four plays Padri War" by Hadi Wisran held TVRI and moderated Padang Purnama Head TVRI Suardi, it also appears the National Historian Anhar barking, senior director (film) and director Khairul Umam Pamuncak Television Alwi.
According Wisran, so the appearance of this soap opera can be seen very well, he was forced to learn intensively about Islam and adat Minangkabau so easy to find problems in order to give birth drama dialogues in order to enrich knowledge.
Wisran interested Tuanku Imam Bonjol picked this story because this is still untapped for more in the nature of the inner personality of Tuanku Imam Bonjol which was very humane, in addition spitualisme character and heroism.
This character of humanism, which also said Wisran lecturer in the University Kebangsaan Malaysia, it is clear once ineffable in history, after the war, Tuanku Imam Bonjol always asking about her children.
"This is actually really touches me because Tuanku Imam Bonjol has a humanitarian nature of the height of his family (his son), in addition to always ride with a sword on the battlefield. This is really an intellectual movement` `sword, he said.
He added that once the government habits, if a fighter captured the Dutch colonialists then they could be crowned as national heroes while others were not necessarily.
Anhar barking, said in sinetrons "Considering Four plays Padri War" was, Wisran well impressed to find her identity as Muslims and as a person the Minang.
"The key issue is not the history of the war against the Dutch clergyman, but the findings of the most important is the struggle within the internal environment between the religions and customs to easily pitted sheep by the Dutch," he said.
Meanwhile, interest in the soap opera that is the interpretation of history by Wisran Hadi, where the cause of discord is not just the Netherlands but came also from the internal religious and customary that.
"This time it shows soap operas Wisran different history can at least primarily in an effort to broaden the meaning of history itself," he said.
Synopsis Four Sinetron "Considering Four plays Padri War" written Wisran Hadi includes four synopsis, which tells about the university Koto Tuo lord, my lord Hunting Renceh Nan, Tuanku Imam Bonjol Recognition and crossing the Sultan Abdul Jalil.
It is said that, my lord Renceh Nan is an important figure in the history of the Padri War with its famous figure in running the firm and harsh religion and became a leader of the Tiger Nan Salapan set of eight well-known universities.
Because the Netherlands is not captured, and the Netherlands providing misinformation to the great man like that Tuanku Nan Renceh brother had killed his mother for not forbidden to eat betel leaves.
Recording the history of the wrong that has caused a young man tried to dive into the life of Nan Renceh lord, but in the end he dragged and lost in history to have to bear the risk of error.
Synopsis Recognition Tuanku Imam Bonjol, where the long struggle full of heroism, treachery ended with the Dutch managed to catch him. He is a reflection of persistence of a leader pin, scholars in Islamic teachings uphold and defend well against invaders.
While it was "crossing the Sultan Abdul Jalil" tells more conflict between the Sultan Abdul Jalli forced to deal with his biological sister myself because pitted Dutch sheep.
Although Bonjol has fallen into the hands of Holland to cripple defenses in Lintau Padri, but Sultan Abdul Jalil persisted in a large mosque with the congregation that nurtured.
Wisran Hadi (born in Padang, West Sumatra, July 27, 1945) is one of the artist/ umanist who won an award from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia and several awards from abroad, such as from Thailand. Minang bloody prose writer this is one artist who consistently worked until his old age.
Wisran once wrote a collection of plays titled Four People Melayu contains four plays: "Song Peninsula", "Dara Orange", "Gading Cempaka", and "Cindua Mato" (which makes it awarded the South East Asian (SEA) Write Award in 2000.
His novel has ever recorded, among others, called Guest, Priest, Four Plays The Malays, and Simpang. Short stories are often published in print media and publishers Malaysia recorded titled Mahogany Autumn Leaves Again.
Graduates of Indonesian Arts Academy (now the Indonesian Art Institute), Yogyakarta, 12 drama scripts never won Writing Competition, held dramatizations Indonesia Jakarta Arts Council (DKJ) from 1976 until 1998, joined the International Writing Program at Iowa University, Iowa, in 1987 AS Jepang .
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