Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maestro Arby Samah

Originator of Abstract Sculpture
ABSTRACT words appear one by one. Question marks appear slowly. Starting from the small of the back. Question Mark stopped behind the letter K, for a moment and then continued to grow forward split screen.
Abstract. That's the first word that appears in the head when this artist names mentioned. As if, when the abstract dictionary is opened, this former student of ISI Yogyakarta was the first diurutan.

All observers of art and print and electronic media who writes about himself acknowledges that. He was the top of the tower from the actual flow is not popular among Indonesian artists.
His ideals so artists may indeed have been 'deliberate'. In a sense, since childhood, since his parents saw him clench clay, become an artist already flowing in his blood since he was born 1 April 1933. Moreover, he was raised in a family who also wrestled in the world songket.
Songket not only taught her embroidery, but also identify who he was. What is the background of his life. And slowly form a strong foundation when selecting a visual world of the future.
To hone his abilities, then their parents send to Kayutanam. Where, a school, the INS taught how to self as a human. Moreover, the INS is only a small pool of talent is so big.
This is realized by A.A. Navis and Ramudin. With the recommendation of both, Mr. Arby became the only student from Sumatra sent to ISI Yogyakarta, who was named ASRI Yogyakarta.
Being an artist is not easy fro. Once finished creating the first painting, not a compliment that he can, quite the opposite. "Padang Bent, can not paint. Return to Padang alone, "shouted a famous painter, Hendra Gunawan, at that time.
But, Minangkabau and INS teach that praise only to God. Though experiencing a jolt, Arby Samah rise. Although only the sleep of the box made their own and sometimes sleep under the stairs and outside when the moon comes, Arby Samah world pursue more vigorous manner.
He once fell ill because life is not regular. However, in an article Ciman Anger, his students, with dramatic paint tell just by Mr. Arby cured diseases. And "Painting is good," said painter Trubus.
Perseverance is not a long fruitless. At first lustrum ASRI, sculpture 'Self Portrait' Mr. Arby into catalog cover. That's when, for the first time, the name Samah Arby start ogled people.
However, deep down, Arby was not a man easily satisfied. Manifold realist statue in the catalog ignited something in him. So also when he managed to make a statue without a model that makes people fascinated him, only made him more nervous.

Perhaps because he was a Muslim, perhaps because he Minang people. Where, acknowlege the statue became a colony of paradox. Gray area, which must be carefully filled in touches.
Maybe that's why he then chose the abstract as a tool he said. Without the figurative form, no model, only the imagination but full of high creativity.
Not everyone supports her choice, so the result looks. Many furrowed brow. Many a chuckle do not like even President Sukarno. "I do not like the abstract," stressed the President of Indonesia first.
Kecewalah friends who support them, who had hoped to be rich because the Sukarno Arby would provide facilities 'more' on the artists he likes.
Once again, Arby did not break his heart. I froze not for president, he said one time. Maybe because it was disappointed, perhaps because the artistic.
He had confidence, "An artist must have the imagination and strong visual power. then it is combined with a conscience and piiran, shaping the work and meaning in various dimensions.
So there is indeed no room for the president and others.
And exhibition of works endlessly doing. 39 sculptures, 59 paintings, dozens of domestic and international exhibitions dilakoninya. Until then he was confirmed as the first abstract painters in Indonesia.
Abstract. Critics said that attached to her art and mass media. He also confirmed. However, abstracts may be only way out because they do not find the 'what' that made Mr. Arby.
With the Islamic and Keminangannya, this is worth ditelisik back. Arby obviously does not have a culture like Henry Moore. Opening the Way for an abstract flow. He might not think to be a Henry Moore Indonesia.
Analysts and the media struggling to find the identity of the statue of Arby. When viewed from the background of his life, Arby far from abstract. Or he recognizes the 'Abstract in another form.
As mentioned Wisran Hadi, 'abstract' Arby would be explicable if the trace of Minangkabau art. Carved duck home patang example. Are there ducks in the carvings? Are there any evening?
None. There was only the works of imagination in capturing it, then handed over to the audience of how the appreciation. Even the rough and unpleasant views in his works does not reduce the content of softness to say.
So, Arby's not an abstract sculptor? Maybe not completely correct. Once again, it's just a way to explain what made Arby. For Arby alone there are more important.
An alternative, which is outside the scope of art, which direngkuhnya, makes some people wonder, surprise and did not understand.
Either enter the government bureaucracy. Being a public servant. An unpopular choice of a more-than choosing an abstract sculpture - see the potential that exists within him. Why? What's up?
Perhaps also because there are six who have given mouth to eat. Perhaps because of hanging himself from an abstract sculpture-especially-can't menghidupinya. Arby must choose. And responsibilities to other human beings make choices.
He began working as an employee at the Army museum in Yogyakarta in 1960. six years later he moved to the Directorate of Culture in Jakarta. Five years of life in Jakarta, Arby 'repatriated' and served as head of Art at the Department of Education of West Sumatra. Dilakoninya 18 years. He later served as head of SMSR Padang until 1993. Until his retirement.
Mr. Arby is still frozen. Still exhibition. However, being a civil servant, inevitably, make split kesenimananya energy. Proverb "an employee makes an artist died" almost inherent.
Mr. Arby try again reached after retiring from duty kepegawian. That is, "almost too late," said Hadi Wisran in a writing.
But for an artist., Said there was not too late in the artistic world. That there may only 'gap'. Areas where energy collects. To reach the second peak.
Perhaps also he further strengthen what he believes as a Muslim, an artist, father, grandfather, once the prince for his nation.
If achieved, Arby Samah had carved itself into an unforgettable artist. That can not be erased history. Narrative: S Metron M / DKSB

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